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Free Buddhism Stuff!

Who doesn’t like free stuff?!


Free Kindle Reader App! Works on almost any phone or tablet — iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, Mac and more… and it is FREE!



Free Buddhism Books! Add one or two to your cart and try it out! Free Buddhism Books!

Free Buddhism Books!




Free Zen Buddhism Books!  

Grab a free book or two on Zen Buddhism. And get a free Kindle Reader App for your iPhone, Android, or almost anything else!




Buddhism Podcasts

There are an absolutely stunning number of free podcasts related to Buddhism.

We will try to provide reviews of some of the better ones in the coming months.

If you have a podcast and want to submit a review for possible inclusion on our site, please submit your idea via our contact page.


In the meantime to get started, check out this list of podcasts on iTunes…

Podcasts > Religion & Spirituality > Buddhism


Movie Review: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

An stunning and absolutely beautiful movie.


Yu Shu Lien: You were enlightened? Li Mu Bai: No. I didn’t feel the bliss of enlightenment. Instead… I was surrounded by an endless sorrow.

Check it out on Amazon…

Book Review: Perfect Brilliant Stillness by David Carse

WARNING: This is a hard-core enlightenment book. It is NOT about giving you what you want, it is about giving what the extremely serious Spiritual Seeker needs.

Preface from the book:

The fine print:

There are many books out there that will help you to live a better life, become a better person, and evolve and grow to realize your full potential as a spiritual being.

This is not one of them.

At the time of this writing, almost every popular spiritual teacher in America and Europe is teaching that ultimate spiritual enlightenment, once attained only by certain yogis, gurus […]

Media – Books, Movies, TV Shows, Podcasts, Videos, and more!

There is a huge amount of information about Buddhism available. We organize and review some of the best information available.