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The 10 Oxherding Pictures

The Ten Oxherding Pictures

We haven’t found a good version of the actual pictures to include here, so we will summarize in text.

NOTE 1: Most people interested in Buddhism will not be interested in this. That is perfectly OK! There is so much to enjoy in Buddhism there is absolutely no need to know anything about this. But you may become interested in this at some time and if so, there is a good chance you will find yourself right back here.

NOTE 2: These represent the steps along the path to Liberation. They are not a prescription […]

The Scientific Power of Mediation

Check out this excellent, short video on Mediation and Science…

WATCH: Here’s what meditation is doing to your brain

Does meditation actually work, scientifically speaking?

The latest episode of AsapSCIENCE investigates the evidence to find that meditation literally changes the shape of your brain, and the types of brainwaves it emits.


If you like this, be sure to check out their book!     

Free Buddhism Stuff!

Who doesn’t like free stuff?!


Free Kindle Reader App! Works on almost any phone or tablet — iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, Mac and more… and it is FREE!



Free Buddhism Books! Add one or two to your cart and try it out! Free Buddhism Books!

Free Buddhism Books!




Free Zen Buddhism Books!  

Grab a free book or two on Zen Buddhism. And get a free Kindle Reader App for your iPhone, Android, or almost anything else!




Buddhism Podcasts

There are an absolutely stunning number of free podcasts related to Buddhism.

We will try to provide reviews of some of the better ones in the coming months.

If you have a podcast and want to submit a review for possible inclusion on our site, please submit your idea via our contact page.


In the meantime to get started, check out this list of podcasts on iTunes…

Podcasts > Religion & Spirituality > Buddhism


Feedback Form – Contact Us!

Thank you so much for your feedback!

Thank you for visiting our brand new site! We would love to hear your feedback.

Suggestions – our site is brand new… what do you think?! What can we do to make it better. We welcome your ideas! Comments – if you have a comment on an individual article, there is a comment form at the bottom of each article. Otherwise use the form below for general comments. Ideas for articles – want to write for us? There is so much to write about, we could use the help! Send us your suggestion […]

Buddhist Jewelry & Accessories

There is a wide variety of Buddhist jewelry and accessories.

We will be expanding this area in the coming months.

If you have any items you would like us to feature, please visit our Contact Page.

In the meantime, check out a few items from Amazon…







Tantric Sex

Tantric sex includes practices designed to enhance our sexual pleasure, expand our capacity to experience better orgasms, better connection to ourselves and others and to heal from our sexual wounding.

Over the last 10 to 15 years Tantra has made a comeback and moved in to the limelight most notably by musical performer Sting. Sting talked about the bedroom technique of Neo Tantra and his sexual prowess and more recently even Hollywood has jumped on board with the American Pie movies and Oprah talking about it.

Today Neo Tantra is frequently called Tantra and many of its […]

New Zen Buddhist center in Troy brings calmness

An amazing article and video about a new Zen Buddhist center in Michigan!

Dharma Gate Zen also has yoga classes and Japanese sword classes, as well as a recovery program similar to Alcoholics Anonymous but based on Buddhist ideas.

Read the entire article on The Detrot Free Press…

Here’s How Zen Meditation Changed Steve Jobs’ Life And Sparked A Design Revolution

Very interesting article about how meditation changed Steve Jobs and led to the technology revolution we live in today.

Read the entire article on Business Insider…

Buddhism in your city & Around the world

Here we will include information about Buddhism in your city and around the world…